From tech beginner to your first portfolio project

Learn from experts to create a portfolio project and get certified.

Part-time and flexible for complete beginners.

Learn from  100+ world-class mentors

âť“ What you'll get

Why join EntryLevel?

Don't just learn the theory. Apply what you learn - with guidance every step of the way.
Hands-on projects
No more boring, hour-long videos
Multimedia text, diagrams, and short-form videos to keep you engaged
Each module has a task so you apply what you learn
Complete a portfolio project to show off to recruiters
Active community support
Feel less alone in your learning
Connect with like-minded individuals on Discord who are just as eager to learn and grow
Discuss new course concepts you're learning
Discover new job opportunities
Get certified
Celebrate your certificate on LinkedIn to show employers your new skills
Add your new certification to your resume, increasing earning potential
Gain confidence to apply to jobs in tech

Build your confidence with real-world experience

Practical knowledge helps you apply skills to real problems
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More than 20.000 happy students
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50+ qualified teachers from all over the world
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Courses are designed to help you get project experience
happy students
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50+ experts
to teach you
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Real projects
to get experience
Guidance to make learning tech skills easy
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Step-by-step guidance, examples, and templates
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Practical projects to help you apply the theory
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Develop soft skills with peer review
Active community to dive deeper into your learning
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Ask questions in the Discord community
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Discuss new course concepts
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Share job search resources
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Network with ambitious peers
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Get motivation to complete your course

You get some experience while learning and you'll work on 2 projects.

- Elizabeth, an EntryLevel student
đź“š Instructors
Meet our expert instructors
Don't just learn the theory. Apply what you learn - with guidance every step of the way.
Ajay Prakash
Founder and CEO at EntryLevel
Alyssa Berriche
Manager of the Cyber Threat Intelligence unit at Cimpress
Anthony Conta
Senior Product Designer at Amazon
Daniel Davis
Independent Developer and Senior Privacy Analyst at DuckDuckGo
David Wang
Group Product Manager at Linktree
Giulianna Crivello
Head of Ventures @ Draper Startup House
🗣️ Testimonials
Our students are confident in their skills
We help students like you fall in love with learning again - and discover what they're passionate about.
"It'll accelerate your success."
I’d recommend giving up your two weekly cocktails and spend that money on an EntryLevel course. It’ll accelerate your success.
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🦄 About us
To empower 1 billion people to discover, reskill into, and nurture a meaningful career.
EntryLevel was created with one goal: help people find meaningful employment.
Whether you are someone entering the workforce for the first time and you are uncertain of how to proceed, or if you have worked in a role for years and want to find that new job - EntryLevel is here to help.
Portfolio projects
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Certificate awarded
Gain confidence in your skills today
Start learning now, and in 6 weeks you'll have a portfolio project to impress recruiters with.
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