“Just one more chapter…then I can stop studying.”
Have you been in this situation before?
5 minutes studying feels like 5 hours.
But as soon as you’re done, you reward yourself by watching a TV show…
Where 5 hours feels like 5 minutes.
Why is it so easy to have fun, but so hard to study?
Over the last few months, I tested ways to make achieving my goals more fun. I even turned into someone who liked studying 😱
Here’s the exact step-by-step process I used so you can do the same. You can find everything I learned below - learning #3 is my favourite.
Psst: curious about experimentation + optimizing your life? Check out the new Growth/Digital Marketing program I created - the modules on experimentation are my favourite.
I learned and adapted my habits to improve my life - keep reading for my key takeaways.
After implementing my learnings, I:
Here’s how you can apply my learnings.
Here are my bad habits:
Here’s how I overcame them by being lazy:
All of these were decisions I made once that paid dividends in the long run.
This is what I hated doing:
This is what I loved doing:
I combined them to make my life more enjoyable:
Combining tasks I disliked with my hobbies made me love what I do.
Seeing all the checkboxes made me more motivated to keep going because I didn’t want to break my streak.
(Psst: that’s why we’re giving out a free learning habit checklist with every purchase until Saturday, Jan 21!)
Here’s what happened before I tracked my goals:
Here’s what happened after:
AKA before and after taking EntryLevel’s Data Analyst program.
Tweet us so we can cheer you on!
More resources
Time travel to reach your career goals: https://www.entrylevel.net/post/time-travel-to-reach-your-career-goals
Use systems to reach your goals: https://www.entrylevel.net/post/stop-setting-new-year-s-resolutions
Video on gamifying your life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEHt8m61hSg
App to gamify your habits and goals: https://habitica.com/static/home
Notion template for gamifying your life: https://www.conradlin.com/projects/theGamificationProject